Funerals can cost less and be better when families and friends become more involved.
The newspapers are full of articles about the cost of funerals. Some heady figures are quoted in these, often between £4,500 and £6000 for a funeral. Funeral poverty is a problem, in rural areas as much as in cities. We charge much less than this.
A more intimate and personal funeral doesn’t have to cost more and can be a better experience for families than one with all the trappings. Here are some way money can be saved:
1. Hold the funeral at a venue such as our ceremony hall, or a village or community hall, followed by an unattended cremation the following morning. This can save over £400 on cremation costs alone.
2. Check out the cost of natural burial sites near you. These can be less than a cremation and there are no doctors’ fees.
3. A burial can be made on private land. Even with a professionally dug grave this can save £500.
4. Family and friends can bear the coffin instead of hiring a professional team of bearers, saving around £200.
5. You don’t need to use a hearse – around 50% of our clients opt for a less formal car. You can use your own vehicle (if long enough). These save £175 – £275.
6. Choose your coffin carefully. A cardboard coffin may cost less and can be decorated to make a personal statement.
7. Plan in advance so that you can find the right funeral director to meet your needs and provide value for money. If this is difficult at the time of the funeral ask a friend to do it for you.
Tailoring a funeral to your financial budget is about having all the information you need and making decisions that suit you. We offer a free meeting if you want to plan ahead.
Funerals with more involvement of family and friends are usually more satisfactory and meaningful than the funeral with all the bows and whistles. You can put your care and love into them by taking on more of the tasks.
We are transparent about costs. We don’t add cost to the things we buy on your behalf, not on coffins, cards, flowers. We will always work with each client to find a way to have a good funeral within a budget and we don’t ask for deposits up front. See our prices at