In recent years there has been a rise in the number of woodland burials, on sites which have planning permission to be a cemetery. None are actually on Dartmoor, but the ones at Yealmpton and Cheriton Bishop have particularly good moorland views. Also many people are surprised to find that burials can be made on private land, subject only to environmental guidelines to do with water and a restriction of 2 or 3 people per property.
These funerals tend to be homely and informal and families and friends can take ownership and more control of the proceedings. Being out in nature is inspiring and comforting and gives the opportunity for ‘moments of grace’; we’ve heard an owl hooting as the coffin is lowered in the early afternoon, a fox walking by, a shaft of sunlight from a dark sky. Many people come away saying “I never knew a funeral could be like that”. Well it can, whatever you choose it to be, expressing love and spirit, a funeral with heart and soul.
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