1. a funeral can be held anywhere that will allow it – no licences are needed
2. no minister or official person need be present – family and friends, perhaps with the help of a funeral celebrant, can hold the ceremony
3. a funeral need not be a set religious or humanist ceremony, but can be whatever the family choose
4. most crematoria allow wicker, bamboo, banana leaf and cardboard coffins as long as the bottom is a piece of plywood.
5. you can decorate a coffin with water based paints or photographic transfers
6. the coffin may be transported by the family to the funeral in their own vehicle or a hired vehicle – no formal hearse is needed
7. the person who has died may be kept at home for some or all of the time between death and the funeral depending on circumstances – we can advise you on this
8. Over 70% of funerals are cremations, less than 30% burials. Woodland burials are around 1% and growing.
9. a burial can be made at one of thirteen natutal burial sites in Devon or on private land
10. Most crematoria will be pleased to let small groups visit and look behind the scenes to dispel the myths that surround them
Find out more on our arranging a funeral page >